Konzert: Sonorous melan­choly, 3rd Hansa II subscription concert: Works by Mozart, Prokofjev and Sibelius

»…talent of the century«, so described the Tagesspiegel Tarmo Peltokoski. This Finnish conductor was appointed ›Principal Guest Conductor‹ by the Deutsche Kammer­philharmonie Bremen in January 2022 – the first conductor to hold this position.




Domsheide 6-8, 28195 Bremen

Musik , Vorstellung ,

»That I, a poor chap, can experience such rich moments! The autumn sun is shining. Nature glows in farewell colours. My heart sings wistfully and the shadows grow longer« wrote Sibelius shortly before the premiere of his 5th Symphony with which he was celebrated by the audience with storms of cheers on the occasion of his 50th birthday in 1915. A flock of soaring swans had inspired him to write one of his greatest musical ideas: »Natural mysticism and world-weariness! The final theme of the Fifth Symphony«. Tarmo Peltokoski contrasts his Finnish compatriot’s main work with the highly experimental G minor Symphony by the 17-year-old Mozart, a score full of burning longing and stormy rebellion. And Jan Lisiecki continues his Prokofiev cycle, at the end of which he will have performed all five of the composer’s piano concertos with the Deutsche Kammer­philharmonie Bremen: Works that are among their performers’ most original and challenging concert pieces of the early 20th century.

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