Relations with the Obama Administration launched in Washington – Väyrynen met the new US Trade Representative

Press release 118/2009
28 April, 2009

Minister Paavo Väyrynen met the new US Trade Representative Ron Kirk. Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Paavo Väyrynen met with Ron Kirk, the new United States Trade Representative, in Washington, D.C. on Monday 27 April. The topics of discussion during the cordial meeting were the situation concerning the WTO negotiations and Russia’s membership as well as issues of bilateral trade between the European Union and the Unites States. Kirk is among President Obama’s inner circle and is a Cabinet member. The meeting between Väyrynen and Kirk was also the first official ministerial meeting with a member of the Obama Administration.

“Although the United States has not yet finalised its policy with regard to the WTO negotiations, I believe that Kirk will make a strong contribution to bring the negotiations to a conclusion. That would be in everyone’s interest. To Finland and the Unites States, it is also important that Russia becomes a member of the WTO once the obstacles in the way of membership have been removed,” Väyrynen said after the meeting. He said that Kirk had taken a very active approach to his post and was very well informed of issues even though he has been in office for only a few weeks.

Also on the agenda were topical bilateral issues between Finland and the United States. Placement of Finland on the Watch List in consequence of the adoption of the reference pricing scheme for the reimbursement of medicines, however, was not discussed during the meeting. Through unofficial channels, Finland has received information stating the country will be placed on the Watch List; official notification is expected within a few days. The United States has drawn a parallel between Finland and the similar situation in Norway.

During the weekend, Minister Väyrynen also took part in the 2009 Spring Meeting of the joint Development Committee of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, the IMF, where the international financial and economic crisis, in particular, was discussed. Financing pertaining to climate change was also discussed at the meeting.

In addition, during his visit Minister Väyrynen met with representatives of the US Department of State and USAID, the Unites States Agency for International Development. The topic of the meeting was Finland’s initiative for a trans-Atlantic partnership to promote sustainable development. Representatives of the European Commission and the Czech Presidency of the EU were also present during the meeting with USAID. During the talks, agreement was reached on joint preparation of the EU Ministerial meeting of ministers for development, to be held in May; the intention is that representatives of the United States will take part in the meeting.

Additional information: Päivi Nevala, Adviser to the Minister for Foreign Trade and Development, mobile tel. +358 40 753 4375, and Deputy Director General Pekka Puustinen, mobile tel. +358 40 481 9892