Finland’s best practices against COVID-19

During COVID-19 Finland has deemed it necessary and essential to try and focus on the prevention of infections and the spread of the virus. It has been Finland’s priority to work with health authorities and healthcare professionals to make sure vitally important instructions are followed. Here are some example practices Finland has taken action on throughout the year.

Covid-19 dogs arrive at the airport – able to identify the virus earlier than laboratory tests

The Helsinki Airport initiated  “dog testing” at airports in September. The innovative idea to use dogs and their incredible senses to smell the virus has been the first of its kind, and the results have been encouraging in the fight against the virus. Precautions are taken in order to protect the dogs - there is no direct contact between the dog and those taking the test, since the actual testing is performed at a separate space.

The Annual Helsinki Day celebrated virtually

Helsinki day has been celebrated every year on June 12th. This year, the celebration took place virtually and through social media with the same level of spirit as every other year before. The day included 72 free events, from concerts to circus performances. Finland has done a great job in keeping the traditions alive in the midst of the virus.

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Koronavilkku-sovellus – Koronavilkku

Corona detection app

Koronavilkku is a contact-tracing app developed by the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) to help find out whether a person may have been exposed to coronavirus. If a person has taken a coronavirus test and tests positive, they can use the app to share the information anonymously with those whom they have been in close contact with. This is a great and efficient way of being transparent and sharing information in order to protect each other.

Coronavirus information session for children – by the Finnish Government

In the spring, the Finnish Government held an info session for kids where they could ask questions related to the pandemic via a video conference from Finland's Prime Minister Sanna Marin, Minister of Education Li Andersson and Minister of Science and Culture Hanna Kosonen. This session showed true solidarity amongst Finns and was a thoughtful idea from the Finnish Government.

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