Call for Proposals - Perguntas e Respostas

Q: Can International NGOs apply to this call if they have an office that is legally registered in Mozambique? If that is not the case, are INGOs able to join a consortium which is led by a Mozambican organisation?/Can legally registered NGOs which have subsidiary offices in Mozambique be eligible to lead a consortium or only NGOs founded in Mozambique.  If no can they be sub partner to another NGO/CSO?

A: The call is strictly for Mozambican CSOs, including the consortium organisations.


Q: Could additional information on the co-applicant requirements be provided?

A: The requirements for the lead applicant are described more in detail as it is responsible for the management of the funds, and will sign the agreement with the MFA. The co-applicants must be legally registered in Mozambique and should have capacity to deliver the results they are responsible for as a part of the consortium. Their roles and responsibilities must be detailed in the proposal. In the decision making process the lead applicant’s capacity will be evaluated. In terms of other consortium members the complementarities and how well their roles and responsibilities are defined is evaluated. They should, however, also be able to manage their part of the funding by using appropriate standards.


Q: The  Budget is limited for 1 or 2 consortium's or destined for the whole country? How many consortium's does the proposal intend to establish across the country? Are only the mentioned values available for this call?

A: The total available funding is up to the max of 5.45 million euros. If two consortiums are selected the originally proposed budgets will be subject to revision. As defined in the published call, the proposal should cover at least 4 provinces. The amount granted is only for this call.


Q: Is the amount of 5,45 million euro the maximum amount? In case there are two consortiums do they have to share this amount?

A: Yes, the maximum is 5,45 million euros. If two consortiums will be selected the originally proposed budgets are subject to revision if the total exceeds the funding available.


Q: Is it mandatory to include all topics discussed in the call eg natural resources management, girls rights to education  and other or the candidates can just address some in particular?

A: it is mandatory to include all thematic areas listed in the proposal:

o            Citizen´s engagement in decision-making in different levels of governance

o            Access to information and evidence to inform advocacy

o            Strengthening of human rights actors and/or defenders 

o            Strengthening or defending the civic space

o            Overall capacity building of the CSOs 

One of the evaluation criteria’s is how they complement the other topics of the FI country programme


Q: What are the priority geographical areas (provinces) for the MFA under this call?

A: There are no priority provinces, as long as at least four (4) are included.


Q: Is there a specific budget template that applicants are expected to use?

A: There is no specific budget template.


Q: Can the budget, results table and work plan be in excel format?

A: Yes, they can all be in excel format.


Q: If candidates are not in Maputo is it necessary to take copies & signed papers to the embassy or send by email?

A: Proposals must be submitted to the Embassy both in two signed paper copies and sent by email.


Q: Can the Consortium be of a few organizations and subcontract others to provide technical assistance and implementation at provincial level?

A: All consortium members that manage funds must be identified in the proposal. If services are contracted (e.g. for capacity building) they do not have to be identified at this stage. Sub-granting is not possible.


Q: Should technical assistance and provincial-level organizations be Consortium members or can they just be mentioned?

A: It will depend on their roles and responsibilities. If the lead applicant channels funds for them and they manage the funds themselves, they should be identified as consortium members. 


Q: Would all of the smaller / emerging organizations have to be included in the proposal, or can others be identified and included later on, depending on how the program evolves?

A: Ideally all members should be identified. However, if situations emerge where e.g. any of the members are unable to perform as expected, possibilities for alternatives can be analyzed.


Q: Will the outcome “strengthening accountability from the demand side”, be complemented by Finland in Mozambique with other initiatives on the supply side? What degree of engagement / strengthening of supply side actors is expected from the Consortium?

A: The focus should be on the demand side. However, collaboration and opportunities for interaction with the duty bearers is also appreciated. The work with different stakeholders will also be evaluated. The outcome area on “strengthening accountability from the demand side” is complemented by other initiatives such as the Inclusive Growth in Mozambique (IGM) which its objective is to strengthen key institutions supporting the Government in adopting stronger evidence based development policies. Another initiative is a consortium between the Institute for Multiparty Democracy (IMD), Political Parties of Finland for Democracy (DEMO Finland) and the Netherlands Institute for Multiparty Democracy (NIMD) which is aimed at improving the oversight role of the Mozambican Parliament and Provincial Assemblies in the Extractive Industry sector.


Q: Given the nature of the thematic areas to address in the proposal, will quantitative data be expected as part of the monitoring system?

A: We understand that it may be challenging to have quantitative data especially at outcome/results level. The quality of the results and monitoring framework will be assessed with this in mind.  


Q: What degree of detail is expected in the budget?

A: The budget must indicate what is the amount each consortium member will be granted to and manage. The main budget categories should be visible even if results based budgeting is used. Detailed budgeting of activities is not necessary at this stage.


Q: To what degree can overhead / indirect costs be included in the budget?

A: Acceptable administrative costs of the project may not exceed 10% of the projects total annual expenses.


Q: Can subgrantees (other than the Lead applicant) regrant / provide funding to other organizations for technical assistance and/or implementation?

A: All consortium members that manage funds must be identified in the proposal. If services are contracted (e.g. for capacity building) they do not have to be identified at this stage. Sub-granting is not possible.


Q: Can training or support be provided to government institutions?

A: Funds should not be channeled to the government institutions and they should also not be consortium members. However, if collaboration with them is relevant to the outcomes of the proposal it is possible to include also elements related to e.g. their capacity building. It should not be the main focus of the proposal.