Finlands beskickning i Moçambique
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Evaluation of Finland’s Education Sector Support in Mozambique in 2014-2022
The evaluation commissioned by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs examines Finland's support for the education sector in Mozambique and the results achieved in cooperation. In 2014-2022, Finland supported education sector in Mozambique mainly through the Education Sector Support Fund (FASE). Finland has also funded COACH (Aprender mais), a World Bank pilot project implemented with the government to improve in-service teacher training and teaching materials. The report also examines the complementary impact of other programmes on the overall objectives of the country Strategy.
Chefen för FN:s befolkningsfond Natalia Kanem besöker Finland
Chefen för FN:s befolkningsfond Natalia Kanem besöker Finland den 10 – 12 oktober 2024. Hon kommer att träffa utrikesminister Elina Valtonen och riksdagens utrikesutskott. Utrikeshandels- och utvecklingsminister Ville Tavio träffade Natalia Kanem i samband med FN:s högnivåvecka i New York i september.