Konzert: Carte blanche No. 2 (Special concert), Dirigent Pekka Kuusisto

Works by Schönberg, Barber, Prokofiev and Varèse




Domsheide 6-8, 28195 Bremen

Musiikki , Esitys ,

The violinist, conductor and composer Pekka Kuusisto is well known for his artistic freedom and refreshing approach to the repertoire. This versatile musician debuted as a violinist in 2022 with the Berlin Philharmoniker and will be appearing in 2023 with, among others, the Tokyo Metropolitan Symphony Orchestra. Featured among the most recent highlights as a conductor are appearances with the Concertgebouworkest, the hr-Sinfonieorchester Frankfurt, the Orchestre de Chambre de Paris, the Scottish Chamber Orchestra and the Deutsche Kammer­philharmonie Bremen, whose ›Artistic Best Friend‹ he has been since 2017.

For tickets and more information, click here!(Linkki toiselle web-sivustolle.)