Embassy of Finland, London

Customer service

Please contact us primarily via email. General enquiries can be sent via email to [email protected]

If your enquiry is very urgent, please contact us by phone on weekdays from 9am to 12.00pm, and 1pm to 4pm, tel: +44 (0)20 7838 6200.

Please note that answers to most enquiries can be found on the Embassy website!  

Consular service (Opens New Window)

All customers must book an appointment(Link to another website.) (Opens New Window) beforehand.

If you are unable to attend at the appointment given to you, kindly cancel your appointment well in advance. Please also keep an eye on our booking system for possible cancelled appointments.

Enquiries to the Consular Section can be sent to [email protected] You can contact the consulate via phone on Mondays from 3pm to 4pm, tel. +44 (0)20 7838 6242.

Due to a high volume of calls, the line can be busy at times.

Office hours

Mon–Fri 9am–12.00pm, 1pm–4pm

24/7 service

When a mission is closed, you can in an emergency situation contact the Foreign Ministry's 24/7 service: tel. +358 9 1605 5555 or email [email protected]. For consular emergencies only. No visa inquiries, visa matters are not urgent 24/7 service issues. Phone calls will be recorded.


Telephone exchange

  • +44 207 838 6200

Visiting address, post address

Embassy of Finland
38 Chesham Place

On the map


Piia Tonder
Heli Lehto
Deputy Head of Mission
Maria Bredenberg

Political and economic matters

Anna Hakala
Foreign and security policy
  • +44 75 878 104 26
Jukka Välimaa
Birgitta Vuorinen
Senior Specialist
higher education and science policy
Aino Salmi
Second Secretary
Desk Officer
Annika Leinonen

Press, media and culture

Markus Hippi
Counsellor, Press and Culture
  • +44 7920 546 248
Pirjo Pellinen
Special Adviser
public diplomacy, culture
  • +44 782 562 4820
Taimi Vilkko
Special Adviser


Anneli Nummelin
Administrative Officer, Consular Services
Jaana Palmer
Consular Services Coordinator
Ann-Mari Romero
Consular Services Coordinator
Emmi Vargas
Consular Services Coordinator

Defence Attaché's Office

Juha Ravanti
Defense, Military, Naval and Air Attaché
Riitta Murtagh

Administrative affairs

Riikka Turunen
Administrative Officer
information management
Ari Nevalainen
Chief Office Caretaker
Property Management and Office Services Attendant
Marja-Leena Payne
financial administration
Riitta Kärkinen
Technical Assistant
Outi Mäkilä
Tuomas Arvonen
Property Management and Office Services Attendant