Embassy of Finland, Bangkok

Customer service

Consular and passport issues and legalisation of documents:

Customer service hours for visit customers in consular, passport and legalisation matters: Mon–Thu 8.30–11.30 by appointment only. Email: [email protected]

Telephone inquiries Mon-Thu kl. 13.00 - 15.00

Tel. +66 (0)2 207 8700 

Further information about travel and embassy's services

(Opens New Window)

Visas issues:

Application submission by appointment at the Finland Visa Application Centre VFS Global(Link to another website.)(Link to another website.) in Bangkok.

More information on how to apply a visa.

Inquiries by email: [email protected] (TH and ENG)

Phone inquiries: +66 2 460 7057  (Mon-Fri 8.00-12.00 and 13.00-16.00) (TH and ENG)

Residence permit issues:

The Embassy of Finland receives residence permit applications by appointment on Mon-Thu only. There is no customer service on Fridays.

Appointment bookings and inquiries by email [email protected].

Note, the processing stage of the application can not be inquired by email.

More information on how to apply a residence permit.

Use the secure email service(Link to another website.) if your email contains sensitive personal data.

Office hours

Mon-Thu 9-11.30am, 12-1pm, Fri 9-11.30am, 12-1pm

Exceptional opening hours

Exceptional opening hours 2025

24/7 service

When a mission is closed, you can in an emergency situation contact the Foreign Ministry's 24/7 service: tel. +358 9 1605 5555 or email [email protected]. For consular emergencies only. No visa inquiries, visa matters are not urgent 24/7 service issues. Phone calls will be recorded.

Telephone exchange

  • +66 220 787 00

Post address

Embassy of Finland
Athenee Tower, 14th floor
63 Wireless Road (Witthayu)
Lumpini, Pathumwan

Visiting address

Athenee Tower, 14th floor
63 Wireless Road (Witthayu)
Lumpini, Pathumwan

On the map



Kristiina Kuvaja-Xanthopoulos
Head of Mission
Permanent Observer to UNESCAP
Miika Tomi
Deputy Head of Mission
Deputy Permanent Observer to UNESCAP

Trade and economic policy

Kai Tuorila
Counsellor, Trade and Development, Team Finland
Kimmo Pekari
Special Advisor, Trade and Economic Affairs
Team Finland
Annika Vatanen
Labour migration and Education affairs, Team Finland
Teeranuch Richiravanich
Office Administrator
Team Finland

Administrative Affairs

Marika Knaapila-Navarrete
First Secretary
administrative affairs, development cooperation
Sami Heikkinen
Administrative Officer
financial administration
Maria Mustapää
Administrative Officer
information management
communication and culture affairs

Consular and migration affairs

Saara Grip
Second Secretary
Team Leader
migration matters
Maria Vehviläinen
Second Secretary
Team Leader
consular services