Official Certificate- and Address Inquiries
Extracts from population registry in Hong Kong
In Hong Kong, registrations (e.g. birth, marriage, death) are handled by the Hong Kong Immigration Department. You can request extracts from these registries directly from the Immigration Department, please see the Immigration website for more information.
Address inquiries
There is no centralised address database in Hong Kong where you could inquire for up-to-date address information. To inquire for an address in Hong Kong, you can use for instance the Whitepages website, which is a public address and person search engine. The more information you have of the person and address in question, the more reliable the search results will be. The service requires registration and most search functions are chargeable.
You can check the spelling of Hong Kong addresses and postcodes at the Hong Kong Post website.
Certificate of No Criminal Conviction in Hong Kong
For a Certificate of No Criminal Conviction from Hong Kong, e.g. for an employer in Finland, you need to contact the Hong Kong police. You can find instructions on the website of the Hong Kong Police(Link to another website.).
To apply for an extract, you need a request letter from a government authority, i.e. the Consulate General of Finland. For the letter, we need information on a valid ID document, your Hong Kong ID card and written proof from the employer about the need for a criminal record extract. You can send this information by e-mail. The Hong Kong police will only deliver the completed criminal record extract to the Consulate General, where it can be collected or we can send it via secure email. We will check your identity either when collecting the Consulate's request letter or the criminal record extract, so at least one visit to the Consulate General is required. A customer service appointment must be made for this. If you are no longer staying in Hong Kong, please contact the Consulate General.