Suomen suurlähetystö Bangkokissa hakee korkeakouluharjoittelijaa ajalle 15.04. – 14.07.2024. Edustuston tavoitteena on tutustuttaa korkeakouluharjoittelija mahdollisimman laajasti suurähetystön toimintaan ja monipuoliseen sekä mielenkiintoiseen, kansainväliseen työkenttään. Harjoitteluaika on 15.4.2024. - 14.07.2024 tai sopimuksen mukaan 3 kuukautta.
In the second round of the presidential election, a total of 62,294 people cast their vote in advance at Finland’s missions abroad. Altogether 220 crew members voted on board Finnish vessels.
Embassy of Finland in Bangkok is looking for a Fixed-Term Locally hired Consular Services Assistant (Migration) to join their team from 1.3.2024 onwards or as per agreement.
A total of 58,757 persons cast their vote in advance in the presidential election at Finland’s missions abroad. The number of crew members who voted on board Finnish vessels was 223.
The Ministry for Foreign Affairs’ project on interoperability (the UMPIO project) coordinates the data related to internal security, border security and migration management in the EU information systems for security. The project is part of the development of entry systems funded by the EU.
In 2023, the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and the missions abroad provided consular services to approximately 244,000 customers. The demand for advisory services remained high. Over the course of the year, the Ministry’s 24/7 service was contacted around 8,000 times in total.
Embassy of Finland in Bangkok is looking for Fixed-Term Locally hired Consular Services Assistant to join their team from 1st of March 2024 or as per agreement.
The Nordic Film Festival returns in 2024 with high quality films from Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden. The Festival will take place 19-20 January 2024 in the Garden of The Royal Danish Embassy in Bangkok.
As of 1 January 2024, Finland will increase travellers' daily financial requirement to EUR 50 per day of stay. Finland will simultaneously introduce a proof of sponsorship and/or accommodation form, which will allow visa applicants to finance their visit using the funds of the inviting party.