Finland expresses its gratitude for contributions to equality with special recognition – Angkhana Neelapaijit from Thailand among the first recipients

Finland places great significance on promoting equality in the world, and wishes to thank those who are working towards this common goal. To express its gratitude, Finland will be presenting special recognition to individuals and groups around the globe who are committed to advancing inclusivity in society. The names of the first recipients from 16 countries are released today, with one of the honours going to Thailand.

Equality is a core value for Finland and its people. To highlight the importance of equality and to show gratitude for the valuable work that is being done to advance equality in society, Finland will be presenting special recognition to individuals and groups around the world. Finland aims to encourage conversation about equality and promote initiatives for a more inclusive society.

The Embassy of Finland in Bangkok will grant the official recognition to Angkhana Neelapaijit, Advocate for Equality and Commissioner at the National Human Rights Commission of Thailand. Finland appreciates Angkhana Neelapaijit's long-standing work as a defender of human dignity and human rights of all persons. She has demonstrated a strong commitment to advance diversity and inclusion in the society through her work for gender equality, minority rights and LGBTI rights. Angkhana Neelapaijit will receive the recognition from the Ambassador of Finland to Thailand at the Residence of the Ambassador.

Among other recipients of the recognition are individuals and groups from Singapore, Croatia, Namibia, Norway, Indonesia and Japan. They represent a range of fields, including education, minority rights and gender equality. The full list of the first recipients and more info about why they were selected are available at: to another website.).

The recognition forms part of a broader campaign about equality, launched in June 2019 and continuing until the end of the year. Finland aims to bring questions of equality to the fore of the international conversation.

In 2017, the year Finland celebrated the 100th anniversary of its independence, it promoted action around the world in the name of gender equality and launched the first International Gender Equality Prize. The prize will be awarded for the second time later this year.


List of recognition recipients: to another website.)
Finland’s equality campaign website:än(Link to another website.)

IGEP: to another website.)



Media contact and interview requests:

Sami Heikkinen
Attaché (Administrative, Press and Cultural Affairs), Embassy of Finland in Bangkok
+66 2 207 8700