Enhanced ID on human rights situation of women and girls in Afghanistan

51st session of the Human Rights Council: Enhanced interactive dialogue on human rights situation of women and girls in Afghanistan, Delivered by Anu Konttinen, Deputy Permanent Representative of Finland, 12 September 2022.

Mr. President,

Finland aligns itself with the EU statement.

One year after the regime change, women and girls in Afghanistan have almost disappeared from public life. We will not give up on them. On the contrary, in our efforts to support Afghanistan, we should listen to women and girls: what are their needs and what is their vision for their country? For example, single mother families need our special attention, their access to livelihoods and participation can be virtually nonexistent.

We will continue to remind the de facto authorities that Afghanistan is bound by a series of international commitments, including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and CEDAW. The improvement of the situation of women and girls in Afghanistan should stay as this Council’s top priority, sending a clear message: we will not forget you.

I thank you.