Embassy of Finland switching off lights to save precious possum

Embassy of Finland in Canberra is taking part in Zoos Victoria's Lights Off for Moths -initiative to save endangered Mountain Pygmy possum. The embassy has committed to switching off main outdoor lighting, leading the way for the other embassies and high commissions to come onboard.

Critically endangered Mountain Pygmy possums are at risk of starvation. Photo: Zoos Victoria

The Embassy of Finland is the first diplomatic mission in Canberra to switch unnecessary outside lights off as part of Zoos Victoria’s Lights Off for Moths initiative to help save the Mountain Pygmy-possum.

For November, the embassy has committed to switching off main outdoor lighting, leading the way for the other embassies and high commissions to come onboard.

Mountain Pygmy-possums are at risk of starvation as their main food source during the breeding season, the migrating Bogong Moths, have decreased dramatically in the possums’ habitat in the Victorian Alps.

Zoos Victoria CEO Jenny Gray said the cumulative impact could result in a measureable reduction in light pollution and give Bogong Moths their best possible chance of making their way towards hungry Mountain Pygmy-possums in the alpine regions. In the last two years, moth numbers crashed from around 4.4 billion in alpine areas to an almost undetectable number of individuals.

“We have identified light pollution ‘hot spots’ across Australia, and Canberra lies directly in the Bogong Moth flight path, said Dr Gray.

“The light pollution emitted by buildings in urban centres, such as Canberra, is trapping Bogong Moths and hindering them on a journey they’ve been making for at least 7,000 years.”

Finnish Ambassador Lars Backström said the Embassy of Finland is encouraging all embassies to join them in preventing Bogong Moths from being attracted to the bright lights of Canberra.

“As residents in Australia, we respect and treasure its native wildlife,” ambassador Backström said. “Turning the embassy’s main outside lights off is a small but important gesture to help in the efforts to support the Bogong-migration, and save the critically endangered Mountain Pygmy-possum. Furthermore, as Finland currently holds the presidency of the council of the EU, we want to highlight environmental values and show that with small changes you can make a big impact.”

Zoos Victoria is calling on South-Eastern Australians along the flight path of the Bogong Moth to turn off any unnecessary outdoor lighting that may be interrupting the moths from their traditional migration.

Zoos Victoria has also created a citizen science platform, Moth Tracker(Link to another website.), to empower anyone, anywhere to record a Bogong Moth sighting. Moth Tracker is enabling Zoos Victoria to bridge existing knowledge gaps around Bogong Moth numbers and migration. It will also assist the Mountain Pygmy-possum Recovery Team by giving early warning of the success or failure of the 2019 migration.  

The Mountain Pygmy-possum Recovery Team, together with supporting organisations, is also working hard to implement interventions in the wild, which may include supplementary feedings to support populations through the breeding season.

The Embassy of Finland encourages all diplomatic missions and organizations as well as individuals living in the area to join this initiative and turn off unnecessary outdoor lighting from the office buildings and houses. Together, let’s turn off the bright lights trapping the moths during their migration!


To make a commitment to turn Lights Off for the Moths please contact [email protected] and for more information view https://www.zoo.org.au/possums/(Link to another website.). For media inquiries please contact Taryn Hunter on 0426816184 or [email protected], or Katja Karppinen at the Embassy of Finland on [email protected].