Meet Team Finland’s Mark Stafford, the Honorary Consul for Finland in Vanuatu

This series includes a quick questionnaire to help you get to know Team Finland's network of people promoting Finland in Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific. In this edition, we introduce Mark Stafford, the Honorary Consul for Finland in Vanuatu.

Since 1986, Mark has lived in Vanuatu. In his experience as Honorary Consul for Finland, he has found consultations to be rare. The small island nation today is home to just one Finn. While this may be, he is proud to represent Finland in Vanuatu and hopes to see greater opportunities for the two countries to interact in the future. Now, let us learn a bit more about the real Mark Stafford.

If you woke up and had 2000 unread emails and you could only answer 300 of them, how would you choose which ones to answer?

The first three hundred that were not obviously spam. If I miss something and it is important, it will be re-sent.

If you could do any other profession, what would it be?

At the outset, I would like to say that I am quite happy with what I do now. However, I would be like to be a builder of houses in great locations.

What do you think of garden gnomes?

Best seen and not heard.

If you could be a superhero, what power would you possess?

Mind control.

You are a new addition to the crayon box. What colour would you be and why?

Azure blue.

If you could take a year off from work, what would you do?

Learn to build houses.

What do you do when a baby just stares at you in public?

Smile and think that it would be great to start my life over, knowing what I know now.

Why do you think Charles Chaplin is famous?

He had the ability to make something that was relatively simple and straight forward into something that was humorous. I guess a good example is simply walking from A to B.

What is one non-work related goal that you would like to achieve in the next five years?  

I would like to see greater equity in the governance and administration of world cricket.

What is one thing about you that would surprise people?  

I do not like answering questions about things and myself that would surprise other people.

Please note honorary consuls do not accept passport applications nor do they handle matters pertaining to visas or residence permits.