#YeboFinland –social media campaign

What do South Africans know about Finland? What would Finns like you to know about their country? Where is Finland coming from and where is it heading to? What does Finland have to offer and what might we have in common with South Africa? These are perhaps the main questions we want to try to address with our social media campaign #YeboFinland.

South Africa is one of fourteen target countries until the end of 2021 when it comes to branding Finland abroad. We were happy to receive the news from the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland and decided to take a fresh approach to the task. Instead of concerts, seminars and exhibitions we will put our efforts into social media. Our aim is to reach young South Africans in particular. We will offer an insight into modern day Finland with themes like IT, circular economy, education, food, water and renewable energy.

Circular Economy was our theme throughout the year 2019

You may call it recycling, reusing or a sustainable way of living, but the Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra puts it like this: “A good life is no longer achieved by simply producing more and more goods. How do we move to a circular economy, in which consumption is based on using services – sharing, renting and recycling – instead of owning things?” We chose the theme as Finland was the first country to have a national road map to circular economy. Finland also hosted World Circular Economy Forum (WCEF) in Helsinki this year. But most of all in order to keep our dear and only planet alive and kicking we need to rethink our way of living and consuming. We can do things differently and better and we need to learn best practices from one another. Circular Economy offers a lot of opportunities and business ideas - the world is open to innovations!

Food and agriculture is our theme this year

Could there be anything more ordinary topic than food? We all eat, drink and maybe even cook on daily bases. Let’s give it a bit more thought – where does it all come from, is it safe, is it healthy, how is it prepared, who produces food? During the year 2020 we wish to introduce you to Finnish food, agriculture and agricultural products. Our plan is also to study South African food culture and find out how food is produced here.

We will visit farms and markets, talk to food professionals, share recipes, facts and figures and also arrange some competitions for you to participate.

What would you like to know about Finland or Finnish food? What Finland should know about what South Africans eat? What can we learn from one another? Follow our campaign on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram and let us hear your voice too. There will be surprising competitions along the way, stay tuned.

PS. for those who are not familiar with word yebo – it’s zulu and means yes!

Facebook: @FinnishEmbassyPretoria(Link to another website.)
Twitter: @FinEmbPretoria(Link to another website.)
Instagram: FinlandinSouthAfrica(Link to another website.)


Photo: Hannu Tarvainen