Embassy of Finland, Tokyo
Customer service
Opening hours
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 09.00 to 12.00
Wednesday 13.00 to 17.00
customer service only by an appointment
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 03 5447 6000, Tuesday and Friday 10.00 to 12.00
3-5-39 Minami-Azabu
Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-8561
Office hours
09.00-12.00, 13.00-17.15
Exceptional opening hours
In 2025 the Embassy is closed on the following Finnish and Japanese public holidays:
Wed 1.1. ja Thu 2.1. ja Fri 3.1. New Year’s Holiday
Mon 6.1. Epiphany
Mon 13.1. Coming of Age Day
Tue 11.2. National Foundation Day
Thu 20.3. Spring Equinox Day
Fri 18.4. ja Mon 21.4. Easter Holiday
Tue 29.4. Showa Day
Thu 1.5. May Day
Mon 5.5. - Tue 6.5. Golden Week
Fri 20.6. Midsummer Eve
Mon 21.7. Ocean Day
Mon 11.8. Mountain Day
Mon 15.9. Respect for the Aged Day
Tue 23.9. Autumn Equinox Day
Mon 13.10. Sports Day
Mon 3.11. Culture Day
Mon 24.11. Thanksgiving Day
Wed 24.12. Christmas Eve
Thu 25.12. Christmas
Fri 26.12. Boxing Day
24/7 service
When a mission is closed, you can in an emergency situation contact the Foreign Ministry's 24/7 service: tel. +358 9 1605 5555 or email [email protected]. For consular emergencies only. No visa inquiries, visa matters are not urgent 24/7 service issues. Phone calls will be recorded.
Telephone exchange
- +81 3 544 760 00
- +81 3 544 760 42
Visiting address, post address
Embassy of Finland
3-5-39 Minami-Azabu
TOKYO 106-8561
On the map

Press and Cultural Affairs

Kitchen and Residence
Maintenance and Transport
Defence Attaché's Office
- +81 354 476 000