Earthquake in Japan: efforts to contact Finnish citizens in the impact area continue

Press release 87/2010
11 March 2011

The Ministry for Foreign Affairs and the Finnish Embassy in Tokyo are following the situation after the massive earthquake in Japan.

People can contact the Ministry for Foreign Affairs telephone number in Finland 0800-0-4444 to inquire about their relatives.

Some 500 Finnish citizens have provided their contact information to the embassy. Efforts are being made to reach them. However, the telephone communications are overloaded and text messaging operates only sporadically. Therefore, Finns living in Japan are also asked to primarily call the contact number +358 800-0-4444. Some Finnish tourists are also estimated to be in the country.

Inquiries about relatives can also be made electronically on the following website (in Finnish): to another website.) (Opens New Window)

The Embassy will provide general situation reports, for instance, via the mission Facebook page and Twitter: to another website.) (Opens New Window) to another website.) (Opens New Window)

Additional information: Jari Sinkari, Director of the Unit for Communications, tel. +358 40 520 3925, Pasi Tuominen, Director of the Unit for Consular Assistance, tel. +358 40 578 8185