France joins For Forest Group +

France joins the For Forest Group +, a group of likeminded EU Member States on forestry matters. The key objective of this strategic partnership is to further develop the informal cooperation in forest related matters, to exchange knowledge and best practices and to identify common positions on forest policy issues in line with the concept of sustainable forest management. The Finnish, Austrian, Slovenian and Swedish ministers responsible for forestry welcome France to the group.

“It is important that forested Member States work closely together. Forests play a major role in our efforts to enhance sustainability. Joint efforts are needed to bring deeper understanding on the forest related issues within the European Union”, says the current Chair of For Forest Group+ Sari Essayah, Finnish minister for Agriculture and Forestry.

“The sustainable forest-based bioeconomy must stand out at the core of the next European Commission’s Work Programme – the joint efforts by the For Forest Group + is important to make this happen”, says Peter Kullgren, Swedish Minister for Rural affairs, reiterating the joint statement of the For forest group, supported by 16 Member States.

“As a country rich in forests, France, like us, has a long tradition and expertise in forestry. A main objective of our partnership is to ensure that forest-related decision-making processes at EU level are in line with the concept of sustainable forest management”, says Norbert Totschnig, Austrian Federal Minister for Agriculture, Forestry, Regions and Water Management.

With the enlarged group, our views and standpoints, in particular regarding the holistic approach and sustainable forest management that considers all three functions of forests, will be even more pronounced, points out Mateja Čaušić, Slovenian Minister for Agriculture, Forestry and Food, when welcoming France in the For Forest Group +.

“France is delighted and honoured to be joining the For Forest + group. At a time when forests and the timber sector must play an essential role in the low-carbon transition and adaptation to climate change, this will enable us to defend a balanced vision of forest related issues within the European Union, taking into account the specific characteristics of our forests, and thus better guarantee the multifunctional role of forests in the service of society", says Marc Fesneau, French Minister for Agriculture and Food Sovereignty.