Export and internationalization: services and experts in Egypt

The Embassy of Finland is at your service for successful business operations in Egypt as part of the global Team Finland network. We produce and disseminate information on the Egyptian market as well as on the macro level business environment generally. We are happy discuss with you how we can best assist your company in various ways such as identifying suitable contacts, designing distribution arrangements or in dealing with possible problem situations.

Building relations with right persons and organizations is the key for doing successful business in Egypt. The Embassy can create access, organize events and help in partnering also with public sector organizations. The facilities of the Embassy and the Residence of the Ambassador are available should you need a venue for your high-level meetings in a representative atmosphere. Feel free to contact us to benefit from our experienced staff and knowledge in the Egyptian market.

Contact persons for Team Finland in Egypt

Riikka Eela, Ambassador
Team Finland Country Director
+20 225 869 000

Tapio Naula
Commercial Counselor
+20 128 856 0710

Yasser Shawky
Commercial Advisor
+20 122 022 9930

Business Finland Expert Search(Link to another website.) (Opens New Window) helps your company to find the right consultant in Finland and in the target market.

You can also leave a contact request(Link to another website.) (Opens New Window)  to the Team Finland network special experts in Finland.

Team Finland Egypt and our aims

Our main objective is to help Finnish companies increase their export to Egypt. We believe it is best achieved by building connections between Finnish companies and Egyptian customers and by disseminating information on Finnish know-how and high-quality products. Finnish business partnerships are highly appreciated in Egypt and we wish to see a larger number or Finnish companies doing business with Egypt and benefiting from it.

Business breakfasts are events where Egyptian guests can meet representatives of Finnish companies and other organizations remotely to share views on the market development, to support the country branding and as well to distribute well-defined information to the right target groups. Participants represent mainly companies and government officials who are interested in Finnish offerings. Presentations cover key sectors of interest such as education, ICT, energy, health care and ad hoc subjects representing a particular business opportunity.

Egyptian-Finnish Business Council Board Meetings are informal bimonthly meetings where representatives of Finnish companies operating in Egypt have an opportunity to have their voices heard.

Meetings with the Business Community are an important instrument to connect with Egyptian businesses, to develop and maintain a strong knowledge base of the Egyptian market. The invitees are leaders of Egyptian companies that are or have the potential to become customers to Finnish export industries.

Seminars are high profile events organized twice a year focusing on a particular sector. In 2023 the seminars will cover circular economy and education.