Kehitysyhteistyön rahoituskohteet ,2018-08-27 00:00:00.0

Thesis for New Policies


In a transition period that is crowded with challenges and obstacles, with very few steps that could be considered on the right path from decision and policies makers, it is a must that every political party should have his own theses for the governmental administration’s policies, they should have their point of view in the reform process, have alternative solutions and strategies that's been built according to close monitoring, analyses and proper assessment. Unfortunately, none of the current political parties can offer such outputs leaving the scene to the governmental administrations to design and evaluate it's own policies and performance. The project objective: 1- Strengthening political parties to play their role with decision makers in the government administration supporting them to continuously improve designing and implementing their administrations strategies. 2- A new creative platform that can work as think tanks for decision makers. 3- Monitoring and evaluating the government performance and the strategies implementation. 4- Political parties youth are to participate in the decision making process and the administration of the country.


OECD:n kehitysapukomitean seuraamat tavoitteet

  • Osallistava kehitys/hyvä hallinto
  • Sukupuolten välinen tasa-arvo


  • Lainsäädäntöelimet ja poliittiset puolueet 100%

Erityinen kohderyhmä

  • naiset
  • nuoret


  • Suomen suurlähetystö
  • Kohdemaan kansalaisjärjestö

Ota yhteyttä


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Sivua muokattu

2018-08-27 00:00:00.0