Kehitysyhteistyön rahoituskohteet ,2017-09-11 00:00:00.0

New Voices New Leaders


Egyptian Women face multiple challenges that hinder their full participation in the domestic and public spheres. This project aims at advancing young women’s leadership roles to become ’tools of transformation’ to promote the physical and psychological integrity of women and girls through activities which help protect their human rights and freedom from violence, and enhance their participation in social and political fora. The project will support four local CSOs working on women’s issues in their work for, and defence of, the rights of women and girls to promote gender equality, women’s rights issues, and their participation in public life. 20 Women leaders from the partner CSOs will conduct community-led activities at their local constituencies that protect women’s and girls’ rights and freedom from violence, and enhance women’s empowerment and participation in public life.

OECD:n kehitysapukomitean seuraamat tavoitteet

  • Sukupuolten välinen tasa-arvo
  • Osallistava kehitys/hyvä hallinto


  • Naisten tasa-arvoisuutta edistävät organisaatiot ja instituutiot 100%

Erityinen kohderyhmä

  • naiset
  • tytöt
  • nuoret


  • Suomen suurlähetystö
  • Center for Development Services (CDS), Gozour Foundation for Development (GFD) – c/o

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2017-09-11 00:00:00.0