Kehitysyhteistyön rahoituskohteet ,Thu Oct 19 00:00:00 EEST 2017

Empowering New Young Feminist Groups


Female and male activists have sought to form new feminist groups to confront fundamentalist streams and political systems, which aim to exclude women from participating in public life. However, due to the lack of organizational structures, theoretical knowledge and feminist leadership skills, the attempts and efforts of these feminist activists and new groups halted on the way. Based on our vision to work with young men and women in accordance with a strategy built to support and organize these female and male activists in order to enable them to defend women's issues, the project will work on documenting and evaluating these new experiences and linking them to the history of Egyptian feminist movement. This will contribute to organizing and empowering local feminist groups capable of engaging with the gender and women’s issues in different communities, in order to create forms of defense and resistance capable of deconstructing the discriminatory social, economic and cultural system that dominates women in the public and private sphere. It aims also at developing alternative strategies to change this system in order to achieve gender equality.

OECD:n kehitysapukomitean seuraamat tavoitteet

  • Sukupuolten välinen tasa-arvo
  • Osallistava kehitys/hyvä hallinto


  • Naisten tasa-arvoisuutta edistävät organisaatiot ja instituutiot 100%

Erityinen kohderyhmä

  • naiset
  • tytöt
  • nuoret


  • Suomen suurlähetystö
  • NAWRAS Center for Research and Studies (NWRC)

Ota yhteyttä


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Thu Oct 19 00:00:00 EEST 2017