Kehitysyhteistyön rahoituskohteet ,Sun Oct 22 00:00:00 EEST 2017

NM - Nawya - Baladini


The program will aim to empower a broad group of 75 low-income women with the skills, knowledge, and resources to produce and sell high value-added clean, healthy, and traditional food products. By offering a series of “healthy practice” sessions (held once quarterly), we will aim to teach methods for producing high-quality, high-nutrition, hygienic food based on local traditions and environments.the program will focus more heavily on investing in a smaller group of high-impact women to become leaders and entrepreneurs within their communities. Through the mechanism of an already-established Baladini “business” – based on healthy, innovative food products that fuse local and international traditions – we will promote a continual cycle of educational and income-making opportunities. Underneath this business structure, a first official cohort of women from Abu Sir and Sakkara will be selected to receive a series of technical trainings and on-the-job experiences building skills in artisanal food production. A series of business shadowing, apprenticeship, and mentorship programs will help women “specialize” in specific business skills such as sales, finance, management, and R&D. Literacy programs with business-based activities as primary learning tools will also be held.

OECD:n kehitysapukomitean seuraamat tavoitteet

  • Osallistava kehitys/hyvä hallinto


  • Kansalaisyhteiskunnan vahvistaminen 50%
  • Naisten tasa-arvoisuutta edistävät organisaatiot ja instituutiot 50%

Erityinen kohderyhmä

  • naiset
  • tytöt


Nahdet El Mahrousa

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Sun Oct 22 00:00:00 EEST 2017