Kehitysyhteistyön rahoituskohteet ,Mon Oct 23 00:00:00 EEST 2017

ECESR - Battling Inequality through the Empowerment of the Marginalized


This project will focus on the Delta Region, and the activities will be carried out in the governorates of Monofeya and Daqahliyya. A. egal Empowerment of the Margnizalized: Litigating against Inequality Litigation is key to the empowerment of the marginzalized in Egypt in different ways. Access to direct, pro-bono legal aid provides local populations with the necessary defense once needed. It supports workers in their strikes, knowing that they have recourse to legal aid when needed. It provides support to farmers and local populations who contantly are uncertain about their relationship to the sate and their access to the justice system, but also their abilitiy to organize in legal structures (unions, associations etc). Finally, strategic litigation can be one of the key channels for the local populations and local actors to achieve change. Being able to challenge public policy in courts, challenge unfair legislation, or demand legal provisions for access to water and roads and others, gives more power to the local populations in demanding better conditions and demanding equitable distribution of state resources. Therefore, ECESR will undertake two approaches towards the strengthening of litigation on the local level. B. apacity Building to Local Actors: Information and Advocacy Local populations are the main actors for change. They are both the active agents for achieving equality and the beneficiaries in this proposal. In order to strengthen local groups’ ability to do their village specific and context-specific advocacies, more information and skills are needed to equip local activists and semi-organized groups (farmers, workers, ngos and students) to seek accountability and organize for demanding their entitlements and their participation in policy-making. C. Enrolling the Local to the National Level: Telling local stories ECESR will take the information gathered a step further, back to the central national level, where both decision making and advocacy campaigns are still strongest. The information gathered will be the seed of a local governance map, which brings together macro-level information (such as data from the Central Agencey for Public Mobilization and Statistics, or from the state general budget or investment plans form the Ministry of Investment) with local realities/ scenes on water quality, access to sanitation, roads, schools.

OECD:n kehitysapukomitean seuraamat tavoitteet

  • Osallistava kehitys/hyvä hallinto


  • Kansalaisyhteiskunnan vahvistaminen 30%
  • Lain ja oikeuden kehittäminen 30%
  • Ihmisoikeudet 40%


Egyptian Center for Economic and Social Rights

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Mon Oct 23 00:00:00 EEST 2017