Registration of change of address in the Population Information System

If you are a Finnish citizen and live outside Finland, you must notify the Digital and Population Data Services Agency of change of your address.

It is important to keep address data up to date. Matters such as military service are based on the address and nationality data in the Population Register System. You can be notified of your right to vote or the threat of losing your citizenship only if your address details are correct in the register.

Changes of address abroad can be notified either directly to a Digital and Population Data Services Agency(Link to another website.) (Link to another website.) (Opens New Window)in Finland or to a Finnish mission. Missions do not charge a fee for forwarding a change of address.

If you are going to registrate your new address through the embassy, please bring along your Danish health card, i.e. sundhedskort. If your new address isn't on the card yet, bring along an extract from the Danish population register (Bopælsattestorder from to another website.) or Borgerservice-point).