Exceptional opening hours
The embassy's customer service is closed on the following days in 2024:
28.3. |
Maundy Thursday |
29.3. |
Good Friday |
1.4. |
Easter Monday |
12.4. | Customer service closed |
1.5. |
Labor Day |
9.5. |
Ascension Day |
20.5. |
Whit Monday |
5.6. |
Constitution Day |
21.6. |
Midsummer’s Eve |
18.9 | Customer service closed |
6.12. |
Independence Day |
24.12 |
Christmas Eve |
25.12. |
Christmas Day |
26.12. |
Boxing Day |
31.12. |
New Year’s Eve |
24/7 service
If you need urgent consular assistance outside of Embassy’s opening hours, you can contact the Ministry for Foreign Affairs in Helsinki. The Ministry's 24/7 service is open round the clock on every day of the year.
Tel. +358 9 1605 5555 or [email protected]. (Link to another website.)