Finland prepares for large relief operation

Press Release 309/2004

The Ministry for Foreign Affairs Grants Two Million Euros in Additional Support to Tsunami Victims in Asia

The Ministry for Foreign Affairs has granted an additional two million Euros through the Finnish Red Cross in humanitarian aid to the victims of the tsunami disaster in Southeast Asia. The funds will be used to support the national Red Cross and Red Crescent organisations in the disaster area. Among others more tarpaulins, blankets, medication and sanitary supplies will be distributed to those in need. So far the Ministry for Foreign Affairs has granted 4.5 million Euros to the activities of aid organisations in the disaster area in Southeast Asia.

The Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Paula Lehtomäki reminds that the relief operation will be a long one. ”When the acute humanitarian aid has been distributed, a comprehensive and lengthy reconstruction phase will commence. In addition to Thailand many poorer countries have been severely struck by the disaster. These will have to be taken into account in Finnish development co-operation. The reconstruction will be done in conjunction with the UN, but Finland also has the possibility to help the suffering countries independently. The support of private citizens and enterprises has been very valuable, and I hope that the catastrophe area is remembered even after the most acute phase is over”, Minister Paula Lehtomäki said.

The number of deceased has grown every day and is at the moment estimated at about 125.000. Indonesia and Sri Lanka are the countries most affected by the catastrophe and have the highest death toll. According to estimates there are over 500.000 injured and about 2 million have been left homeless. Five million persons in the eleven states in the catastrophe area are estimated to be in need of humanitarian aid.

The international relief action has started, but it will take a long time before aid can be delivered to all the persons in need, especially in the areas most difficult to reach. So far among others food aid, medical supplies, water purification supplies, housing and sanitary supplies have been delivered to the catastrophe area by air.

The UN humanitarian organisations will publish a common plea for aid to the victims of the tsunami catastrophe in Southeast Asia on 6 January 2005, and in the initial phase the relief programmes are sized to meet six months needs. The Ministry for Foreign Affairs will also support this plea.

Additional information: Lars Backström, Head of the Unit for Humanitarian Assistance, Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs, tel. +358 9 160 56225.