Team Finland in Nepal

The Team Finland network promotes Finland and its interests in Nepal: the internationalisation of Finnish enterprises, investments in Finland, and the country brand.

The Team Finland operating model brings together the key actors and services. The core of the network consists of the publicly funded organisations operating, such as the ministries, Finland’s network of diplomatic missions, Business Finland, national culture and science institutes, Finnvera, Finnfund, and the regional internationalisation services, built upon the ELY Centres.

The Team Finland network will help an enterprise to become more international, to grow, and succeed in the global market. 

Contact person for Team Finland in Nepal, coordinator:

Ambassador Riina-Riikka Heikka
Tel. +977-1-4417 221, riina-riikka.heikka(at)
Embassy of Finland, Kathmandu

Objectives of the Team Finland network in Nepal

The aim of Team Finland in Nepal is to promote the image of Finland and to highlight Finland’s strengths as well as promoting business and trade opportunities between Nepal and Finland. Nepal is a long-term development partner of Finland and Finland supports Nepal through different funding channels.

The economic cooperation between Finland and Nepal is still rather modest. However, the aim is to develop trade relations especially in sectors that have a comparative advantage for Finland and that have ties to Finland's long-term development cooperation in Nepal and the experiences, networks and expertise it brings.

Finland has advantage especially in the sectors of water, sanitation and hygiene, livelihood development and climate resilience as well as education. There is potential also in sectors such as cleantech (including renewable energy and smart energy solutions), ICT, digitalization, hydropower, meteorology and urban planning. There is an investment protection agreement between the two countries.

Developing commercial and economic cooperation alongside traditional development cooperation is one of Finland’s key objectives in Nepal in the period 2021–2024. Development cooperation supports the achievement of this objective by improving such areas as the business environment.

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