Development cooperation of NGO’s

Non-governmental organizations (NGO’s) are an essential part of Finnish development cooperation. Their work allows cooperation and results on areas, sectors and groups that are not within the reach of bilateral cooperation.

The work history of Finnish NGO’s with their Kenyan counterparts dates back a long time. Finnish organizations and their local partners mainly work on education and health sectors. Additionally, the projects carried out by NGO’s have contributed to rural development, rights of the disabled and orphans as well as environmental protection.

The partnership between Ugandan and Finnish non-governmental organizations is equally well established. The majority of the projects focus on the health sector, especially on HIV/AIDS, education, capacity building and rural development. Special attention is given to helping the internally displaced and refugees in the northern parts of the country.

In the recent years, Finnish organizations have begun cooperation in Somalia and especially in the Somaliland. The main focus is on the education and health sectors. In addition, the projects have contributed to women’s economic and political empowerment.

Several NGO’s are funded by the Unit for Non-Governmental Organizations at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland. 

Fund for Local Cooperation 2022–2024

The Finnish Fund for Local Cooperation (FLC) is a fund managed by the Embassy of Finland in Nairobi. The FLC is a flexible and demand-based instrument of the Embassy that compliments the development cooperation work carried out through the support of Finland in accordance with Finland’s development policy.

The development policy has given emphasis to human rights based approach to development, which underlines the importance of empowerment, inclusion and participation as it strengthens the application of the principles of ownership, accountability and transparency. The human rights based approach to development has its focus on the rights of those who are most vulnerable.

The focus in the use of the FLC is in Kenya where Finland has bi-lateral support.

FLC offer support to civil society organizations under the following priority areas:

  • Realization of Women’s and Girls’ Rights – Enhancing equity in decision-making in particular at county and ward level, Women’s participation in Peace and Security or localization of the National Action Plan on Women Peace and Security
  • Promotion of youth employment, digital skills and participation in Peace and Security processes – Improving the employability of youth, improved digital literacy to curb the spread of misinformation and increased opportunities to participate in peace building, dialogue on national cohesion efforts
  • Citizen participation and oversight for accountable governance – strengthening citizen engagement for the benefit of marginalized and vulnerable groups, increase citizen voice in decisions on public resources allocation and implementation and public policy planning and execution

The fund supports initiatives of local Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), Community-based Organizations (CBOs) and other institutions in Kenya.

Ongoing projects:

  • Equality at the grassroots level – Usawa Mashinani Project.  Empowering marginalized groups to effectively participate in public finance management and decision-making processes at the county level. TI Kenya is the implementing partner. Funding € 200 000 for 2023-2024. The overall goal of the project is to improve participation of marginalized groups (women, youth and PWDs) in governance and justice processes at county level. The project will enhance the capacity of women, youth and persons with disabilities to meaningfully participate in county governance and decision-making processes; promote gender responsive laws/policies/mechanisms and processes at county level and improve access to justice for marginalized groups at local level. The project is implemented in three (3) counties (Kakamega, Kisumu and Siaya)


  • Wezesha Amani Mashinani na Wamama Phase II (Grassroot Women Enabling Peace). The project focus on all the 4 pillars (participation & promotion, prevention, protection, relief and recovery). Rural Women Peace Link is the implementing partner. Funding €150 000 for 2023-2024. The goal of the project is to advance localization of UNSCR 1325 on KNAP through community ownership and collaboration with duty bearers to develop initiatives in accordance to community needs and prevention of Gender based violence. The project will enhance equal opportunities for women and youth in leadership and decision making in peace and security processes; support duty bearers through capacity building to prioritize and plan initiatives that contribute to prevention of gender-based violence and to increase access to preventive and legal aid services to women and girls to enhance psychosocial well-being. The project is in three (3) counties; Nandi, Uashin Gishu and Elgeyo Marakwet.


  • Improving employability of TVET graduates Phase II in Nyeri and Laikipia Counties. Help Self Help Centre (HSHC) is the implementing partner. Funding €149 000 for 2023-2024. The project goal is to empower TVET graduates with soft skills geared towards building effective work culture and accessing job markets. The objective of the project is to improve employability and competitiveness of Kenyan post TVET graduates through quality and relevant soft skills and entrepreneurship training. The project focus on creating awareness on availability of TVET related expertise; reinvigorate interest of TVET related careers ( for those already in menial jobs) and creating stronger links with the private sector for employment and service  provision opportunities; training of trainers (TOT) among TVET instructors and entrepreneurship and Business skills training.
  • Vijana Tuchanuke 2024 – Young People Identifying and Verifying Mis/Disinformation in Kenya. Constitution and Reform Education Consortium (CRECO) is the implementer. Funding €100 000 for March 2024 –February 2025. The project goal is to promote digital democracy and enhance young people’s media literacy skills to enable them understand, recognize, verify and debunk dis/misinformation and fake news. The objective of the project is to support joint efforts of civil society organizations, media, government, colleges and universities to enhance youth’s capacity in countering dis/misinformation and developing digital literacy skills. The project focus on conducting awareness-raising campaigns on digital media literacy and disinformation within online communities; transfer skills and knowledge to youth on fact checking and how to counter mis/disinformation; enhance linkages between civil society, media, government and colleges/universities in developing digital media literacy skills for the youth.
  • Wakenya4YPS. Kenya Coalition on Youth, Peace and Security (KCYPS) is the implementer. Funding €50 000 for August 2023 –July 2024. The project goal is to accelerate a national youth-inclusive process to inform the National Action Plan on Youth Peace and Security in Kenya. The objective of the project is to develop a structured, collaborative national coalition that provides opportunities for members to engage in national and local peace and security efforts; play a co-leadership role within the Youth Peace and Security national action plan process to ensure the process is youth-inclusive. The project focus on mobilizing YPS actors to create a common platform for action; build capacity, raise awareness about YPS agenda; data collection through organized youth forums, community level focus group discussions, consultations with relevant stakeholders to inform the Nap; and engage and create bridges between young leaders and key actors in peace building arena.