Embassy of Finland, Nairobi
Customer service
Opening hours
- Customer service is open on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays as follows:
9.00-10.00 Customer visit without appointment
10.00-11.00 Submitting and collection of the documents
11.00-12.00 Telephone service
Visa and residence permit matters
- Visa Center VFS Global serves customers at Muthangari Drive, Nairobi. Applicants must book a time for submitting their visa and residence permit applications in advance.
- Visa bookings can be made through https://visa.vfsglobal.com/ken/en/fin/(Link to another website.) (Opens New Window) or by telephone +254 205 147 909. Telephone service is open Monday-Friday between 08.00-15.00.
- Residence permit bookings can be made through https://services.vfsglobal.com/ken/en/frp/book-an-appointment(Link to another website.) (Opens New Window). Please specify whether you are making a paper or electronic application.
- For visa and residence permit enquiries, VFS Global can be contacted by telephone on +254 205 147 909 and by e-mail at [email protected].
Consular matters, passports and legalizations
- E-mail enquiries concerning passports, legalizations and consular matters can be sent to [email protected].
Office hours
Mon, Wed, Fri 9-12
24/7 service
When a mission is closed, you can in an emergency situation contact the Foreign Ministry's 24/7 service: tel. +358 9 1605 5555 or email [email protected]. For consular emergencies only. No visa inquiries, visa matters are not urgent 24/7 service issues. Phone calls will be recorded.
- [email protected] (Consular services, passports and legalizations)
- [email protected] (General enquiries)
Telephone exchange
- +254 20 375 0723
- +254 203 750 721
Post address
Embassy of Finland
PO Box 2206
Visiting address
Eden Square, Block 3
6th Floor, Greenway Lane
(Off Westlands Rd.)
On the map
Pirkka Tapiola
Head of Mission
Leo Svahnbäck
Deputy Head of Mission
Cynthia Ochieng
PA to the Ambassador
Kenya Affairs
Georginah Gichohi
Somalia Affairs
Nelli Mikkola
Desk Officer
Emma Pajunen
Senior Specialist
Saara Asikainen
UN and Eritrea Affairs
Consular Services
Päivi Korhonen
Administrative Officer, Consular Services
Jenny Toivio
Administrative Officer
financial administration and information management