Finland's Mission in Kenya

Embassy, Nairobi

Honorary consulates complement Finland's network of missions abroad.

Current affairs

Finland waxaa ay u diyaargaroobaysaa ka hortagga dal soo gelitaanka qalabaysan, iyadoo adeegsanaysa sharci cusub

Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda ayaa ansixiyay 16-ka bisha Luulyo sharci cusub oo ku saabsan tallaabooyin kummeelgaar ah oo looga hortagaayo dal soo gelitaanka qalabaysan. Hadafka laga leeyahay sharcigaan xoojinta ammaanka xadka waa sidii loo xaqijin lahaa, in Finland ay ka jiraan qaabab wax ku ool ah oo looga hortagi karo, xaaladaha ah dal soo gelitaanka qalabaysan ee lagu doonaayo in lagu cadaadiyo dalkaan Finland, islamarkaana loo diyaargaroobo xaaladaha kuwaas ka sii adag ee dal soo gelitaanka qalabaysan.

Stronger ties between trade and development. Government report on International Economic Relations and Development Coordination.

Report on International Economic Relations and Development Cooperation submitted to Parliament

The Government approved the proposal for the Report on International Economic Relations and Development Cooperation on 11 July 2024. The report complements the Report on Foreign and Security Policy with more detailed trade and development policy measures.

Press releases | 28.6.2024 | Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland

Elina Björklund to prepare reform of Team Finland network of business services abroad

Press releases | 28.6.2024 | Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland

Development cooperation funding for projects of Finnish civil society organisations

News | 25.6.2024 | Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland

Fund for Local Cooperation (FLC) Call for Proposals June 2024

Press releases | 20.6.2024 | Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland

Government Report on Finnish Foreign and Security Policy submitted to Parliament

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