Finland's Mission in Kenya

Embassy, Nairobi

Honorary consulates complement Finland's network of missions abroad.

Current affairs

Evaluation report: Final evaluation of Kenya water programme

The evaluation assessed the impact of the water sector programme in Kenya co-funded by Finland, Sweden and Kenya a few years after the programme ended. The programme was implemented in six Kenyan counties between 2014 and 2021 when power and responsibilities were devolved from the national government to county governments. The aim of the programme was to increase access to clean water, and improve sanitation and water resources management in rural areas of Kenya.

Comments requested on proposal for new decree on fees for services provided by Foreign Service in 2025

The Ministry for Foreign Affairs has sent out for comments a proposal for a new Decree of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs on Fees for Services Produced by the Foreign Service in 2025. It is proposed that several of the Foreign Ministry's services which are currently provided free of charge should be made chargeable.