Q&A for Fund for Local Cooperation: Call for Project Proposals 2024

Q: Can two organizations/networks co-implement a project?

A: Registered Networks/consortiums that have governance structure to provide policy, financial and strategic direction, oversight are eligible


Q: Are there budget, log frame, and project plan template?

A: We do not have specific templates. Applicants are encouraged to use their own but follow the guidelines provided on the application format on the Embassy webpage


Q: What is the Project duration for category  b) Women and youth participation in peace and security?

A: The period is 1 year or 2 years


Q: Can an organization submit more than one application with different focus areas?

A: Only one proposal per organization. The proposed project can focus to address one or more of the focus areas of the call and there has to be clear direct linkage between the activities


Q: Are refugees qualified to apply for the grant?.  Is the call open exclusively to local NGOs, or if small international NGOs registered in Kenya are also eligible to apply?

A: The applicant need to be a local non-governmental organization, civil society organization or foundation, Community Based Organization, or non-profit private entities registered in Kenya and abide by relevant local registrations

The applicant must be result oriented, reputable with experience and necessary organizational structures in place.

Government Ministries, INGOs, Independent commissions, companies limited by shares and research institutes cannot be recipient of the grant but non-state actors that receive the grants are encouraged to cooperate with for sustainability.


Q: Are Private Universities in Kenya eligible to apply under the private companies umbrella?

A: Companies limited by shares and research institutes cannot be recipient of the grant; only companies limited by guarantee that are eligible


Q: Are organizations applying for the women and youth grant have to be in a partnership and apply together or the grants will be awarded individually?

A: The funding is for two (2) projects, one on WPS and the other on YPS. 


Q: Are artists, researchers and scientists, registered in Kenya as a private company eligible?

A: Companies limited by shares and research institutes cannot be recipient of the grant; only companies limited by guarantee that are eligible.


Q: What is the percentage eligible for administration costs?

A: The maximum is 8% of the project budget


Q:  Do organizations incorporated outside Kenya but have a compliance certificate to operate within Kenya, qualify for this grant?

A: The applicant need to be a local non-governmental organization, civil society organization or foundation, Community Based Organization, or non-profit private entities registered in Kenya and abide by relevant local registrations. INGOs cannot be recipient of the grant.

Q: Are faith-based organization qualified to apply for the fund?

A:  Yes Faith based organizations that are registered in Kenya as local non-governmental organization, civil society organization or foundation, Community Based Organization, or non-profit private entities and abide by relevant local registrations are eligible.


Q: Is partner contribution a requirement?

A: It is important that proposing organization make some contribution towards the operational and programmatic costs of the project