Minister Lehtomäki signed an investment protection agreement between Finland and Kenya

Press release 309/2008
1 September, 2008

At an event held today in Helsinki, Minister of the Environment Paula Lehtomäki signed the agreement on reciprocal promotion and protection of investments between Finland and Kenya. The agreement was signed for Kenya by Minister for Cooperative Development Joseph W. N. Nyagah.

By means of the agreement, Finland strives to promote the possibilities of Finnish businesses to benefit from Kenya’s markets and to ensure the operational preconditions for investments in the country. The agreement guarantees that Finnish investments receive unbiased treatment compared against that of investments from Kenya or other countries, and also increases the stability and predictability of the investment environment.

Finland now has in force agreements on the promotion and protection of investments with 60 countries. Of countries in Africa, agreements are in force, or already negotiated, between Finland and Algeria, Egypt, Ethiopia, Libya, Mauritius, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, the Republic of South Africa, Tanzania, Tunisia and Zambia.

Additional information: Commercial Counsellor Kimmo Sinivuori, tel. +358 9 1605 6167, e-mail: [email protected]
