Evaluation report: Final evaluation of Kenya water programme

The evaluation assessed the impact of the water sector programme in Kenya co-funded by Finland, Sweden and Kenya a few years after the programme ended. The programme was implemented in six Kenyan counties between 2014 and 2021 when power and responsibilities were devolved from the national government to county governments. The aim of the programme was to increase access to clean water, and improve sanitation and water resources management in rural areas of Kenya.

Finland has supported the development of water services in Kenya since the 1980s. The end of the water programme that was co-funded by Finland, Sweden and Kenya, and is the subject of the evaluation, also meant the end of Finland's bilateral development cooperation in Kenya's water sector. The programme supported Kenya’s devolution process by decentralizing water and sanitation management and services to the county level in accordance with the 2010 Constitution of Kenya, and increased access to clean water in rural areas.

Kenya has become a lower middle-income country, and in the future Finland will emphasize trade and economic relations even more in its cooperation with Kenya. However, cooperation with Kenia will continue, especially through other means than traditional development cooperation (private sector instruments, cooperation between universities and institutions, support for non-governmental organizations, etc.). The evaluation report also includes recommendations for possible private sector cooperation supported by development cooperation funds through the Ministry for Foreign Affairs’ Public Sector Investment Facility (PIF) instrument.


Report: Ex-Post Evaluation of Support to Equitable Access to Quality Water, Basic Sanitation and Enhanced Water Resources Management in Kenya (PDF; 107 report; 1,1 KB)