Science and Technology
The Permanent Mission cooperates with several scientific or technological organizations, including the International Telecommunication Union ITU, the International Organization for Standardization ISO, and the European Organization for Nuclear Research CERN, which have their headquarters in Geneva. The Permanent Mission cooperates with several scientific or technological organizations, including the International Telecommunication Union ITU, the International Organization for Standardization ISO, and the European Organization for Nuclear Research CERN, which have their headquarters in Geneva. The Permanent Mission cooperates with several scientific or technological organizations, including the International Telecommunication Union ITU, the International Organization for Standardization ISO, and the European Organization for Nuclear Research CERN, which have their headquarters in Geneva.
Founded in 1865, ITU is the oldest of the UN agencies. It fosters the growth and development of telecommunications networks and services especially in developing countries. It prepares telecommunications recommendations which, in practise, serve as global standards.
The organization works in three sectors: standardization (ITU-T), radiocommunication (ITU-R) and development (ITU-D). As a rule, Finland is represented in the ITU meetings by the Finnish Communications Regulatory Authority. The Permanent Mission cooperates with ITU mainly in issues related to financial matters or political or development cooperation considerations.
ITU plays a significant role in the World Summit on the Information Society WSISprocess, which promotes the use of information and communications technologies as part of global social and economic development. WSIS places emphasis on the needs of the developing countries and the possibilities of technology in supporting the attainment of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Finland has actively participated in the process in which the commitments made in the summits of 2003 and 2005 are currently being implemented. In connection with the World Telecommunication and Information Society Day, held annually in May, ITU coordinates the WSIS implementation. The regular sessions of the Commission on Science and Technology for Development CSTD also convene in Geneva in May.
The CSTD, a subsidiary body of the UN Economic and Social Council ECOSOC, is tasked to monitor the implementation of WSIS outcomes along with its specific mandate. Finland is a member of the Commission until end of the year 2020.
ISO produces commercial and international standards for various sectors. During the past few years its focus has shifted from the development of technical standards towards quality and environmental standards. In Finland its main partner is the Finnish Standards Association. In addition to its regular membership fees, Finland contributes currently to the participation of development countries in the standardization of social responsibility.
CERN was founded in 1954 to serve as the international research centre for particle physics. The organization sits astride the Franco-Swiss border in the outskirts of Geneva. Its mission is to study the fundamental constituents of matter even though it is also known as the birthplace of various inventions, the Internet among others. CERN´s largest undertaking, LHC, the Large Hadron Collider, was inaugurated in October 2008. Finland´s relations with CERN are coordinated by TEKES. Contact person for CERN related industrial matters are:
- Mr. Pietari Kauttu, tel. +41 76 48 71 057, [email protected]