External relations, Political and Security Committee

Toivo Martikainen
Nicolaidis, Deputy COPS Ambassador
- +32 476 201 632

Reetta Palojoensuu
Desk Officer
Civil crisis management First Secretary
- +32 473 529 299
Riitta Gerlander
the Foreign Council's working group
- +32 471 034 893

Jussi Koskela
trade policy
- +32 476 803 694

Eeva Lahti
trade policy, Latin America and the Caribbean
- +32 476 800 125
Katja Koskela
human Rights, Development
- +32 479 910 470

Pia Rantakangas
Second Secretary
- +32 470 262 613

Elli Keränen
Second Secretary
Africa, the Caribbean, the Pacific, development policy
- +32 474 931 264

René Söderman
North Africa, the Middle East EFTA
- +32 473 522 716

Fanny Nummi
Desk Officer
United Kingdom Iran, Iraq, Yemen and the Gulf countries
- +32 475 824 725

Lassi Härmälä
Desk Officer
Western Balkans, EU-enlargement First Secretary
- +32 471 036 016

Rauli Kostamo
Desk Officer
Asia and Oceania
First Secretary
- +32 473 530 795

Kati Temonen
Desk Officer
Russia, Eastern Europe, Central Asia
First Secretary
- +32 476 974 757

Anu Kynkäänniemi
Second Secretary
Arctic, Central Asia (COEST), OSCE
- +32 476 806 473

Anna Oksanen
Senior Specialist
defence policy
defense material
- +32 476 806 399

Ilmari Uljas
Senior Specialist
defence policy
- +32 471 036 020
Juho Simpura
Senior Specialist
hybrid, cyber
- +32 473 524 299
Matti Tervo
Senior Specialist
EU funding

Maria Kellokumpu
Foreign relations (development, ACP, Africa, Middle East, Asia, COEST, RELEX)
- +32 472 600 032

Anni Koskela
Foreign relations (trade policy, Western Balkans, enlargement, EDA, PMG, UK, hybrid and cyber)
- +32 473 863 958