Catch the Carbon – Climate Mitigation and Adaptation from Research to Practice

Achieving carbon neutrality by 2035 is a key goal for Finland, requiring ambitious efforts across various sectors, including land use. The Climate Plan for the Land Use Sector outlines critical strategies to reduce emissions and enhance carbon sinks in agriculture, forestry, and land use changes. This plan supports Finland’s broader climate goals and aligns with the European Union’s climate commitments. Through initiatives like the Catch the Carbon programme, which has funded over 150 innovative projects, the plan fosters collaboration among stakeholders and promotes sustainable land management practices essential for meeting Finland’s climate targets.

The event was moderented by Pekka Pesonen, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Finland.

On October 1st, the Permanent Representation of Finland to the EU hosted a briefing titled "Catch the Carbon – From Research to Practice". The event brought together policymakers, researchers, and stakeholders to discuss the key findings on carbon mitigation and land use solutions and how these tools could help advancing climate mitigation efforts in the EU’s 2024−2029 agenda.

Jointly organized by the Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) and the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Finland, the event provided a platform to explore research-driven solutions developed under Finland’s ambitious Catch the Carbon –programme. Launched in 2020, the programme has received nearly €100 million in funding, supporting over 150 projects aimed at helping Finland achieve its goal of becoming climate-neutral by 2035.

Carbon neutrality is an opportunity

Lauri Hirvonen, Finland’s Coreper I Ambassador, opened the event and presented an overview of the EU’s climate and sustainability agenda.

He emphasized, “Finland is committed to achieving carbon neutrality by 2035. This ambitious goal requires action from all sectors of society, and we have made significant investments in research, innovation, and practical solutions in land use climate measures through the Catch the Carbon programme. I hope this will also support the entire EU in its climate work related to land use.”

Lauri Hirvonen, Coreper I Ambassador opened the event and gave an overview of the EU’s climate and sustainability agenda.

Attendees engaged in discussions on how the key findings of the Catch the Carbon R&D program could inform and influence the EU’s climate and sustainability agenda. Johanna Buchert, President & CEO of Luke, shared insights on the role of innovation and the bioeconomy in the green transition. "Bioeconomy and circular bioeconomy haves a lot to offer to EU's economical development. And we need to ensure that EU's future bioeconomy strategy covers the whole value-chain - from primary production to products. And that processing is agnostic to technology choice. For Nordic countries it is also imperative, that research needs for forest-based bioeconomy will be strongly acknowledged in the EU Framework programme", she explained.

Mikko Pohjola, from the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, summarized the program’s main outcomes, focusing on land use and carbon mitigation strategies. He highlighted, that achieving climate goals in the land-use sector requires a robust knowledge base and an interdisciplinary, cross-sectoral approach that drives change in society, policy, agriculture, and forestry.

The importance of linking research with policy

During the event, four key projects from the Catch the Carbon R&D programme were showcased. Mikko Peltoniemi, Research Professor at Luke, discussed Forest-Based Climate Mitigation Policies, focusing on the evaluation of policy instruments that support forest-based climate change mitigation. Wind Power and Land Use was addressed by Anne Tolvanen, Programme Director and Professor at Luke, who highlighted the importance of balancing ecological, economic, and social perspectives in the expansion of wind power infrastructure. In the session on Sustainability in the Finnish Dairy and Beef Sectors, Narasinha Shurpali, Principal Scientist at Luke, introduced best practices that are vital for promoting sustainability in Finland’s dairy and beef industries, both of which play a crucial role in the bioeconomy. Lastly, Helena Soinne, Senior Scientist at Luke, delved into Soil Processes and Carbon Sequestration, examining the soil processes that target carbon sequestration in agricultural soils and contribute to Finland’s climate neutrality goals. She remarked, that soil organic carbon plays a critical role in climate regulation and supports numerous soil functions, making it a keystone of soil health.

Commentary from Euopean Commission representatives followed the project presentations. Christian Holzleitner from DG CLIMA, Dr. Matthias Lenhard Maier and Herwig Ranner from DG AGRI and Johannes Weber from DG RTD offered perspectives on the relation of the research findings with the EU policies.

Johanna Buchert, President & CEO of Luke, shared insights on the role of innovation and the bioeconomy in the green transition.

Pekka Pesonen, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Finland closed the event by underscoring the importance of linking research with policy to accelerate climate action and at the same time ensure profitable food production in all parts of the EU. “In order to take the land sector, both agriculture and forests, into account in the EU climate action, it is essential that the sector is involved in preparation of the legislation work”, he stated. Participants then networked over coffee, discussing next steps in translating research findings into actionable EU policies.

About the Organizers

Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) is Finland’s second largest government research institute. It operates under the Ministry of Agriculture & Forestry of Finland. Luke’s researchers and specialists provide new solutions towards the sustainable development of the Finnish and global bioeconomy and the promotion of new biobased businesses. Together with its partners, Luke is building a society based on the bioeconomy.

Luke has vast experience in R&I project coordination and participation. In spring 2024 there were 1012 ongoing research projects, including 109 EU projects, of which 15 are coordinated by Luke. to another website.)

The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Finland steers the policy on sustainable use of natural resources. Legislative work is carried out as part of the Finnish Government and the EU institutions and decision-making. to another website.)

Read more:

Climate measures in the land use sector(Link to another website.)  (Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Finland)

Showcased projects(Link to another website.) (Natural Resources Institute Finland)

More information:

The aim of the Catch the Carbon package of climate measures coordinated by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry is to strengthen the competence and knowledge base related to climate work in the land use sector and support agricultural producers, forest owners and other parties who make land use decisions in developing and introducing climate change resilient practices. Read more about the package and the projects that have already been funded at to another website.)