Finland took part in talks to ban cluster munitions in Vienna

Press release 276/2007
7 December 2007

The meeting to discuss the ban on cluster munitions held in Vienna on 5–7 December was a continuation of the process launched with the Oslo Conference on Cluster Munitions held in February 2007. The meeting was attended by 138 States as well as representatives of international organisations and civil society organisations.

The meeting did not yet negotiate on a treaty banning cluster munitions; rather, the participants presented their views on questions that need to be considered in the future treaty. Such issues include, among others, definitions of the cluster munitions banned by the treaty, destruction of stockpiles, clearing and assistance for victims.

Finland considers it important to address the humanitarian problems caused by cluster munitions. At the meeting in Vienna, Finland presented the its view on factors that should be paid attention to in future negotiation on the treaty. As the departure point Finland sees the Declaration of the Oslo Conference, with its aim of concluding a binding international instrument by the end of 2008. This instrument would prohibit cluster munitions that cause unacceptable harm to civilians. In Finland’s view, the humanitarian issues can be addressed, for instance, by improving the technical reliability of cluster munitions. Of the current cluster munitions, the Finnish opinion is that cluster munitions completely lacking a safety mechanism should be prohibited. So that it would be possible to exert influence over the humanitarian problems caused by certain types of cluster munitions, Finland stresses a comprehensive approach where balanced attention is paid to humanitarian considerations and military views. The departure point should be compliance with already existing international humanitarian law and arms control treaties. It is also important to involve the countries with a large production and use of cluster munitions.

The next meeting of the Oslo process will take place in Wellington on 18–22 February 2008.

Finland is also taking part in discussion of the cluster munitions issue within the framework of talks on a treaty to limit conventional weapons, for which negotiations will start in early 2008.

Additional information: Outi Holopainen, Head of the Unit for Arms Control, mobile tel. +358 40 354 7518