Bilateral relations

The bilateral relations between Finland and the United Arab Emirates have traditionally been good, even though the two countries are relatively remote geographically and culturally. Trade and economic cooperation have long been a key element of the relationship. Increasing mutual interest in further developing cooperation in different fields is reflected for example in commercial cooperation, high-level visits and tourism.

Trade and economic relations

Trade and economic cooperation form a central part of the relations between Finland and the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is Finland's largest export partner and import partner in the Gulf region. Trade balance has been clearly in surplus for Finland. There is around 70 Finnish companies operating in the UAE. Many Finnish companies registered in the country handle their regional operations from the UAE office, in addition to the local market. Numerous Finnish companies operate in the country through local partner companies. There has been growing interest from Finnish companies to enter the United Arab Emirates market.

The total trade value combining the imports and exports between the two countries in 2023 was €948 million. The total value of Finnish exports to the UAE in 2023 was €565 million (cf. €464 million in 2022) and the total value of imports from the UAE to Finland was €383 million (cf. €228 million in 2022).

In 2023, the UAE was the largest export partner for Finnish goods (€403 million) among the Gulf countries, and the third largest import partner (€53 million). Trade in goods accounted for 71 percent of exports. The main products that Finland exported to the UAE were Ships and floating structures, machineries and equipment, pulp, paper, cardboard and cardboard products, as well as iron, steel and organic products. Trade in services accounted for 28 percent of exports. In terms of trade in services, the UAE was Finland's largest export partner (€160 million) and the largest import partner (€330 million) in the Gulf region.

Of the total value of UAE imports, trade in services accounted for 86 percent and trade in goods for 13 percent in 2023. The UAE's main imports to Finland were plastic and plastic products, aluminum and aluminum goods, organic compounds, machineries and equipment.

The UAE has shown interest in strengthening commercial cooperation with Finland. The strategic goals set by the UAE and the selected future sectors are very close to Finnish know-how and the core of what companies offer, which creates a basis for cooperation and opportunities for increasing trade. In addition, there are numerous significant state and private investors in the country, in whose strategy, for example, Finnish high-tech companies fit.

Finns and the Finnish language

Approximately 1200 Finns live in the United Arab Emirates more or less permanently. In addition, every year tens of thousands of Finnish tourists visit the country, Approximately ten thousand tourists visit Finland from the United Arab Emirates each year. The number of tourists has increased in recent years. Currently there are no Finnish curriculum schools in the United Arab Emirates. In Dubai and Abu Dhabi, the Finnish communities organize after school activities for children ("Finland-schools").

Finland-school in Dubai (Link in Finnish only)(Link to another website.)

Finland-school in Abu Dhabi (Link in Finnish only)(Link to another website.)

Agreements between Finland and the United Arab Emirates

  • Agreement on Economic, Industrial and Technical Cooperation (1982)

  • Agreement between the Republic of Finland and the United Arab Emirates for the avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income (1996)

  • Agreement Between the Government of the United Arab Emirates and the Government of Finland on the promotion and reciprocal protection of investments (1996)

  • Air services agreement (2013)

  • Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Finland and the Government of the United Arab Emirates for the exchange of information relating to tax matters (2016)

In addition, several Memorandums of Understanding have been concluded between the parties.


State visits:

  • President of the Republic Martti Ahtisaari in 1996

  • President of the Republic Sauli Niinistö in April 2015

Ministerial visits from Finland to the United Arab Emirates:

  • Foreign Trade Minister Jari Vilén in November 2002

  • Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Paula Lehtomäki in January 2007

  • Minister of the Environment Paula Lehtomäki in January 2009

  • Minister of Economic Affairs Mauri Pekkarinen in January 2010

  • Minister of Communications Suvi Lindén in May 2010

  • Defense Minister Jyri Häkämies in August 2010

  • Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Paavo Väyrynen in January 2011

  • Minister of Education Henna Virkkunen in February 2011

  • Defense Minister Jyri Häkämies in February 2011

  • Prime Minister Jyrki Katainen / Minister for Foreign Trade Alexander Stubb in March 2013

  • Minister of Housing and Communications Krista Kiuru in March 2013

  • Minister of Social Services Susanna Huovinen in January 2015

  • Minister of Economic Affairs Olli Rehn in October 2015

  • Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Lenita Toivakka in November 2015

  • Minister of Education and Culture Sanni Grahn-Laasonen in October 2016

  • Speaker of Parliament Maria Lohela in December 2016

  • Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Kai Mykkänen in January 2017

  • Minister of Social Affairs and Health Pirkko Mattila in January-February 2017

  • Minister of Social Affairs and Health Pirkko Mattila in January-February 2018

  • Minister for Development Cooperation and Foreign Trade Ville Skinnari July 2019

  • Minister of Foreign Affairs Pekka Haavisto July 2019

  • Minister of Economic Affairs Mika Lintilä February 2020

  • Minister of Foreign Affairs Pekka Haavisto April 2021

  • Minister of Economic Affairs Mika Lintilä October 2021

  • Speaker of Parliament Anu Vehviläinen October 2021

  • Minister for Development Cooperation and Foreign Trade Ville Skinnari October 2021

  • Minister for Development Cooperation and Foreign Trade Ville Skinnari January 2023
  • Minister of Economic Affairs Mika Lintilä May 2023
  • Prime Minister Petteri Orpo December 2023
  • Minister of Climate and the Environment Kai Mykkänen December 2023
  • Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Ville Tavio December 2023
  • Minister for European Affairs and Ownership Steering Anders Adlercreutz December 2023
  • Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Ville Tavio February 2024

Ministerial visits from the United Arab Emirates to Finland:

  • Foreign Minister Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan in May 2009

  • Minister for Energy Mohamed bin Dhaen Hamli 2010

  • Minister of Education Humaid Mohammad Al Qutami in September 2011

  • Development Minister Lubna bint Khalid Al Qasimi in October 2013

  • Minister of Social Affairs Maryam Al Roumi in September 2014

  • Minister of Economy Sultan Bin Saeed Al Mansouri in February 2015

  • Minister for the Environment Rashid Ahmad bin Fahad in September 2015

  • Minister of State, Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber, May 2017

  • Minister of Cabinet Affairs and the Future Mohammed Al Gergawi and Minister of State for Artificial Intelligence Omar Sultan Al Olama April 2019
  • Minister of Education Al Hammadi October 2019
  • Minister of State Abdulnasser Al Shaali May 2022

In addition, several government and business delegation visits take place yearly between the countries.


The United Arab Emirates was recognized by Finland in 1972, and in 1975 the countries established formal diplomatic relations.  The first Ambassador of Finland Carolus Lassila was appointed that year. Two years later, Kai Helenius became his successor. Both Ambassadors were accredited to the country from Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

From 1982 onward Ambassador Pertti Ripatti was accredited to Abu Dhabi from Kuwait. Then, Esko Kunnamo served as Ambassador of Finland in Kuwait and Abu Dhabi during 1985–1989. Tero Lehtovaara was his successor. Due to the Gulf War in 1990, Ambassador Lehtovaara was forced to move to Helsinki from where he served as a roving Ambassador. Pertti Kaukonen was the last Ambassador to be accredited to Abu Dhabi from Kuwait during 1992-1997.

Finland received its first diplomatic mission in Abu Dhabi in 1980. The development of trade relations in particular required an active presence in Abu Dhabi. Harri Lahti started as first Commercial Councellor and in 1984 Pekka Laitio became his successor. Rainer Wegelius then took up his duties in 1988.

In 1991, the consulate  was upgraded to an Embassy, headed by the first Charge d'Affaires Alexei Lahti. Caj Söderlund served as the Charge d'Affaires from 1994 onwards. Matti Pullinen became the first Ambassador of Finland to Abu Dhabi in 1997. He was succeeded by Ambassadors Risto Rekola, Raimo Anttola, Matti Lassila, Ilkka-Pekka Similä, Riitta Swan and Marianne Nissilä.

Today the Embassy is headed by Ambassador Tuula Yrjölä who took office in October 2023. The Embassy hosts two other Finnish diplomats, one specialist, eight locally hired staff members and also Finnish university trainees from time to time. Currently the Ambassador posted in Abu Dhabi is also accredited to Bahrain.

Previously, in 1999, the Embassy moved from Istiqlal Street to Hamdan Street. In June 2024, the Embassy moved from Hamdan Street to Etihad Towers.

The Embassy of the United Arab Emirates is currently operating in Finland. It was established in Helsinki in 2017 and is located at Unioninkatu 20-22, Helsinki.