International Migration Outlook 2007 published

The OECD International Migration Outlook 2007 has been published. Much of the migration takes place within and between OECD member countries. However, the flows from India and China are considerable and expanding.

In some countries health care workers seem to be the largest professional group. There is a special chapter in the Outlook to address the question of migration of health care workers. Another special chapter addresses the mismatch between qualifications and jobs of immigrants in OECD countries.

In many countries the integration of immigrants leaves a lot to be improved. Unemployment of the first and second generation immigrants is more common than amongst the native-born. PISA-analysis has shown that also the school performance of the immigrant children is lower in many countries.

In many member countries immigration is linked to the future needs of the labour markets. If the current trend of decreasing population continues, the OECD countries will have a hard competition in attracting labour related immigrants. In Finland, the working-aged population is expected to decrease by 4 to 7 per cent with zero net immigration.

Further information: Heikki Kokkala, tel. +33 1 45 24 72 92

International Migration Outlook 2007 on OECD website(Linkki toiselle web-sivustolle.) (avautuu uuteen ikkunaan)

OECD press release (avautuu uuteen ikkunaan)