Season’s Greetings from the Permanent Mission

For the Permanent Mission of Finland in Geneva the past six months has been an endeavour requiring more efforts than usually due to the Finnish EU-presidency.

The city is even in normal circumstances a busy meeting place, but with the presidency responsibilities the workload and the competence requirements of the mission’s staff increased even further.

The European Union acted with “one voice” in most of Geneva’s international organizations. Within the framework of the Union’s competence (trade affairs) the EU-commission acts as the negotiator, while the EU-presidency is in a coordinator’s role. In United Nations organizations the EU-presidency instead acts as the negotiator and is responsible for preparations of EU positions. All this has brought along the leadership of hundreds of EU-meetings and a constant preparation of EU positions and statements.

At the same time Finland has been in a visible position when acting on behalf of 27 states in Geneva’s international organizations. I believe we have received a lot of positive attention, new contacts and other added value that will have positive effects for a long time in the future when we again act in the position of a normal EU member state.

As we are settling down to celebrate the season’s holidays, the Permanent Mission wishes to all of you a Peaceful Christmas and a Happy New Year 2007!

Ambassador Vesa Himanen