Joint statement on ensuring access to sexual and reproductive health and rights for women and girls with disabilities

57th session of UN Human Rights Council, Item 3 – General debate on the promotion and protection of all human rights, civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights, including the right to development. Joint Statement: Ensuring access to sexual and reproductive health and rights for women and girls with disabilities.

Mr. President,

I have the honour to deliver this Joint Statement on behalf of Finland, Malawi and a cross-regional group of nearly 50 countries.

Millions of persons with disabilities continue to face significant barriers in their access to sexual and reproductive health and rights.

These obstacles include discrimination, stigma and stereotypes, restrictive legislation and lack of disability –appropriate information and access to services. Grave human rights violations such as forced sterilization, forced abortion and contraception continue to take place.

We underline that women and girls with disabilities have the same rights as all other persons, including sexual and reproductive health and rights. To be able to enjoy those rights on an equal basis with others, States should implement all necessary legal and policy measures to ensure accessibility and inclusion. 

Therefore, we invite States to:

  • remove legal barriers and practices that prevent persons with disabilities from accessing quality sexual and reproductive health information, goods and services that support their family planning and sexual and reproductive health and rights;
  • design and implement, inclusive and accessible comprehensive sexuality education programmes for women and girls with disabilities; and
  • ensure meaningful participation of persons with disabilities and their representative organizations in public decision-making and health programming related to sexual and reproductive health and rights.

With these steps we can start to improve the realization of sexual and reproductive health and rights for persons with disabilities around the world, fulfilling the obligations and realizing the principles of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities on this vital topic.

Thank you.