ITEM 4 - Human Rights Situations that require the Council’s attention

United Nations Human Rights Council 57th session: ITEM 4 - Human Rights Situations that require the Council’s attention, General Debate. Statement by Finland, 24 September 2024.

Mr. President,

Finland aligns with the EU statement. We want to address some of the many situations worldwide where this Council’s attention is needed.  

In Afghanistan, we condemn in the strongest terms Taliban’s outright persecution of women and girls. Through despicable laws and actions, the lives and future of women and girls are at stake, and so is Afghanistan’s whole future.  

In Sudan the parties to the conflict show no respect for international law and human dignity.  The widespread sexual and gender based violence, including rape and gang rape must stop. The raped women and girls, the youngest of them being eight years old, and all civilians killed, maimed and starving should be at the back of our mind when this Council renews the mandate of the Fact-Finding Mission.

Russia’s war of aggression is inflicting immense suffering on Ukrainians. Its relentless attacks destroy homes, hospitals, schools, and infrastructure, especially energy. Forcible transfer and deportation of Ukrainian children by Russia occur with impunity. Russia must stop its unlawful invasion and fully adhere to international law.

Finland is deeply concerned about the dangerous military escalation between Israel and Hezbollah. We call for intensified diplomatic efforts and de-escalation.

Palestinians in Gaza suffer in catastrophic humanitarian conditions. Israel must respect international humanitarian law, both in Gaza and the West Bank. The provisional measures ordered by the International Court of Justice are legally binding on Israel. Hamas must immediately release the hostages that have suffered in Gaza for nearly a year, and be held accountable for its violations of international law. Finland is committed to international efforts aiming for a ceasefire, releasing the hostages and a peaceful solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

In Russia, those standing up for human rights and democracy are brutally silenced. We admire the courage of these people. We are deeply concerned by the targeting of LGBTIQ-persons, Indigenous Peoples as well as ethnic and religious minorities. We call on this Council to renew the mandate of the Special Rapporteur.

We call on China to implement the OHCHR’s and treaty bodies’ recommendations in relation to laws, policies and practises that violate human rights, including in Xinjiang, Tibet and Hong Kong.

Finland reiterates its call on all States and stakeholders to fully cooperate with the OHCHR and other UN human rights mechanisms.  We confirm our commitment in this regard and recall our standing invitation to Special Procedures mandate holders.

Thank you.