Interactive Dialogue on the Secretary-General's report on reprisals

United Nations Human Rights Council 57th session: Item 5 Interactive Dialogue on the Secretary-General's report on reprisals, Statement by Finland, 27 September 2024.

Mr. President,

Finland aligns with the EU statement.

We thank the Secretary-General for his important report highlighting key developments and good practices within the United Nations to address intimidation of and reprisals against those seeking to cooperate or having cooperated with the organization. The report’s recommendations are valuable.

It is alarming that the number of victims of intimidation and reprisals has increased. Some cases, involving also women and young persons, could not even be included in the report due to the victims’ severe protection concerns. We regret particularly the efforts to silence women peacebuilders. As their participation has increased, so have attacks against them. Women peacebuilders need to be supported, not attacked, for their work.

Civil society and human rights defenders have a crucial role in reaching sustainable development in our societies and leaving no one behind.

We call on States to ensure that their laws, regulations and policies do not deter or hinder individuals’ or organizations’ cooperation with the United Nations.

Ms. Brands-Kehris, what are your recommendations for ensuring accountability for any acts of intimidation and reprisals?

Thank you.