Interactive dialogue on new and emerging technologies, including artificial intelligence

56th Session of the UN Human Rights Council, Item 3: Interactive Dialogue on OHCHR report on mapping the work and recommendations of the HRC, OHCHR, the Treaty Bodies and the Special Procedures of the Human Rights Council in the field of human rights and new and emerging digital technologies, including artificial intelligence, delivered by UN Youth Delegate Paula Pättikangas, 1 July 2024.

Thank you Chair,

In the digital age, recognizing digital rights as human rights is essential. Upholding freedom of speech and expression online is as crucial as offline, while ensuring safe digital environments for all. The environment of online harassment and cyberbullying is one in which young people are growing up.

We must ensure that technology investments and decision-making are based on reliable and diverse data, addressing biases and promoting equality. This means investing in collecting youth-focused data. We must also decolonize the collection and use of data.

Advanced technologies must be used to enhance decision-making and strategic foresight. Full, effective and meaningful participation of youth, women, and persons in vulnerable situations in technological governance is essential. This involves creating platforms for genuine engagement and preventing tokenism. A global advisory body, that includes youth representatives, can ensure the effective implementation of these frameworks.

We must ensure that technologies support the rights of persons of both current and future generations.