Advance voting in Geneva in June’s European elections

The voting day for the European elections in Finland is Sunday 9 June 2024. Abroad, advance voting will be conducted between 29 May and 1 June 2024, but many of the advance polling stations abroad are open for a shorter period than this. In Switzerland it is possible to vote in Bern, Geneva and Zurich.

There will be a total of 166 advance polling stations in 86 different countries, located at Finland’s diplomatic and consular missions or their offices. Some of the advance polling stations will only be open on certain days during the advance voting period. The Ministry for Foreign Affairs is responsible for organising advance voting in Finland’s missions abroad and on board Finnish ships sailing outside the Finnish territory during the advance voting period.

The Ministry of Justice has the overall responsibility for conducting the elections. It has published a list of the advance polling stations(Link to another website.) (Opens New Window) and their opening hours on its website 

Eligible voters staying abroad for the entire advance voting period and on election day may also vote in advance by post from abroad. The postal voting instructions are available on the website.


Advance voting in Switzerland:

Embassy of Finland, Bern

Weltpoststrasse 4
3015 Bern

Tel. +41 31 350 4100

Wed 29.05. from 15 to 17
Thu 30.05. from 15 to 17

Fri 31.05.  from 13 to 16

Sat 01.06. from 10 to 14

Permanent Mission of Finland, Geneva

23 Avenue de France
1202 Genève

Tel. +41 22 919 42 42

4th Floor.

Wed 29.05. from 12 to 16
Thu 30.05. from 16 to 20

Fri 31.05. from 12 to 16

Sat 01.06. from 10 to 15

Honorary Consulate General, Zürich

Grüngasse 19
8004 Zürich

Tel. +41 79 829 4960

Thu 30.05. from 18 to 20
Fri 31.05. from 14 to 18

Sat 01.06. from 10 to 16