Doha Round of talks in crisis

The objective of the June/July ministerial meeting was to find common ground for the future of the Doha Round of trade talks by means of reaching agreement on the agriculture and NAMA (non-agricultural market access) modalities.

On the week preceding the turn of the month, the WTO members convened for unofficial talks and consultations in various compositions. WTO Director-General Pascal Lamy started the so-called Green Room consultations on Friday 30 June with a view to agreeing about the modalities. It soon became evident that the parties' views on the key issues under discussion were too far from each other. The outcome was a disappointment to the entire membership, which continues to be committed to the conclusion of the round by the end of 2006. The EU took an active part in the promotion of the process during the week and weekend.

In the Trade Negotiations Committee (TNC), which met on Saturday 1 July, Mr Lamy noted that the round is in crisis. No progress can be seen to have taken place in the negotiations. According to the Director-General, bringing the round to a conclusion by the end of the year is more difficult than earlier. Mr Lamy reminded that progress has been made in some areas under negotiation, which may be lost, however, if no headway is made in the matters at hand.

In the TNC meeting, the Director-General was asked to engage in intensive and even extensive consultations in order to facilitate agreement on the agriculture and NAMA modalities. These consultations are based on the texts prepared by the chairs of the negotiating groups on agriculture and NAMA. The Director-General will report on the consultations to the TNC as soon as possible.
