Fiin College is a Finnish-inspired private school based in Acıbadem, Istanbul

Fiin College, taking the Finnish education system as a philosophical model, highlights the role of the teacher as the most important element in the implementation of their inspirational education approach.

Operating since 2015, Fiin College offers its students a project-based and student-centered education approach. It aims to develop skills such as research, presentation, and evaluation in students with an education system in which the student takes an active role in learning, the sense of curiosity is maintained high, and the teacher is a guide in accessing information. The differentiated and enriched education program is supported by additional
studies to develop creative thinking skills and problem-solving skills. It is a system in which each student is followed up individually and supported in line with their interests and abilities within the structured understanding of boutique education.

An educational environment that will support its students' learning by doing and living is offered in many areas ranging from art to sports, from ecological life awareness to philosophical thinking.

In the academic program of Fiin College, the Finnish education system is adopted as the philosophy and method in the implementation of the curriculum. In the program in which the Finnish education system is adapted to Turkey and the basic perspective is placed at the center of the Turkish education system, the college's main purpose is to raise self-confident and leader individuals who are not satisfied with the knowledge they have learned, who can process information correctly, have high communication skills, and have strong social and emotional development under all conditions.

The most important role in the implementation of the Finnish Education System undoubtedly belongs to the teacher. The development of Fiin College teachers is a continuous routine with in-service training programs organized by many experts throughout the year. Founded by the Finnish educator Maarit Rossi, Paths to Math, a member organization of Education Finland, provides in-service training to all teachers of Fiin College on topics such as student-centered active learning environment, methodologies used in the classroom and school in Finland, evaluation in the age of artificial intelligence, opportunities and difficulties in process management for students, teachers, and parents from the perspective of Finnish educational philosophy. Maarit Rossi is an educator who worked as a manager in Finland, took an active role in the preparation of the Finnish education curriculum, and managed EU funds for educational projects.

Fiin College is also the official representative of Paths to Math Finland in Turkey. Thanks to the training seminars provided to teachers and schools from all over Turkey, it makes significant contributions to the professional development of educators by conveying the perspective and methodologies of the Finnish education system.

An important part of Fiin College's educational approach is the BOSS.101 program, which is implemented at the primary school level. This program aims to teach students the dynamics of the business world, instill entrepreneurial spirit, and develop leadership skills. BOSS.101 program provides students with real-world experiences, with examples tailored to their age, enhancing their ability to think strategically, solve problems, and make decisions. Through workshops, seminars, and projects organized within the scope of the program, students learn the basic principles of the business world. In this way, Fiin College students grow up as entrepreneurial and leading individuals who are equipped to compete not only in academic achievement but also in the business world. With BOSS.101 program, it is aimed for students to be happy individuals who know what they want in the future, manage their goals and studies with the right strategies, know themselves well, are successful in their jobs, and feel a sense of professional satisfaction.

Fiin College sees the concept of education as a process of unleashing the potential in students. Under the academic guidance of Dr. Oktay Aydin, who is a member of the faculty at Marmara University, the "Talent-Oriented Education Program" has been developed and implemented. The main purpose of the program and practices is to support the development of children as a whole on the one hand and to build the infrastructure of their future careers by identifying the areas where each child is strongest on the other. At the kindergarten level, the entire program is carried out with a talent-oriented education approach, while in primary school, it continues as talent clubs. In the program, which is specially designed in 8 basic talent areas, talent hours are included, and activity practices are carried out to improve talent areas; reports are prepared for each child in the process regarding their interests and talent areas.

Another program specific to Fiin College is SOEP. The program, called the "Social-Emotional Improvement Program", aims to improve students' social and emotional skills and is implemented in all classes from kindergarten to primary school. Focusing on the skills of being aware of their own emotions and relationships, being able to organize and manage their social relationships and emotions, communicating effectively, having high self-confidence, and making their own decisions, the program provides children with the skills they can use throughout their lives.

Due to its Finland-based educational philosophy, Fiin College also plays an active role in promoting Finnish culture with various seminars it organizes every year and events such as Finnish Culture Day.