Independence Day reception this year will be carbon-neutral!

In line with Finland aiming to be carbon-neutral by 2035, the Embassy of Finland's Independence Day celebrations this year will be a carbon-neutral affair!

The Independence Day reception hosted by the Embassy of Finland in Singapore is the embassy's biggest event of the year with 300 invited guests. The celebrations this year create emissions of 150 metric tonnes of greenhouse gases. The amount equates to emissions from about 37.5 regular cars driven for 30 km daily for a year. The offset of this emission is equivalent to planting 775 fully-grown canopy trees.

The carbon footprints from our celebrations are reduced by supporting a wind turbine farm project in Baotou City, North-Eastern region of China. It generates renewable electricity from wind power which feeds into the North China Power Grid, reducing carbon emissions. Our carbon offset partner for this is Environmental Solutions Living(Link to another website.).